There are a few ways you can expand your palate to incorporate more real foods.
1) Hide them! You can make so many smoothies and hide in spinach and other greens. Start small and add in until you can taste a bit and then you know when you’ve reached your limit to where the greens are not overpowering. Over time you can add in more, but in the beginning start small.
2) Make a list of all the real foods you already do like and then see if you can find healthy recipes using those foods. Starting with things you like will make it more sustainable.
3) Try new fruits and vegetables you haven’t tried before. Most of us are creatures of habit and never venturing too far. Pick up some new food and find a recipe that looks delicious to try out the new food. Sometimes it takes experimentation.
4) Conquer other nutritional factors first and then when you feel more ready, start to try new real foods. Maybe you can focus on making sure you take your supplements, get enough Omega-3s, properly hydrate with water.5) Focus on what you can do versus what you can’t do. This will pave the way to try new things versus focusing on the foods you don’t like but feel you must eat.